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- ;
- ; and NDIS WAN CAPI Driver
- ;
- ;
- ;
- [Version]
- Signature = "$Windows NT$"
- Class = Net
- ClassGUID = {4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}
- Provider = %S_VENDOR%
- LayoutFile = layout.inf
- DriverVer = 02/19/2001, 03.06.4
- [Manufacturer]
- [ControlFlags]
- ExcludeFromSelect = *ASU1688, \
- *ASU1690, \
- PCI\VEN_0675&DEV_1702, \
- PCI\VEN_0675&DEV_1703, \
- PCI\VEN_0675&DEV_1704, \
- PCI\VEN_1043&DEV_0675&SUBSYS_17040675, \
- PCI\VEN_1043&DEV_0675&SUBSYS_105E10CF, \
- PCI\VEN_1043&DEV_0675&SUBSYS_17070675, \
- PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17021043, \
- PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17031043, \
- PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17071043, \
- PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_1702144f, \
- PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_1703144f, \
- PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_1707144f, \
- PCI\VEN_1397&DEV_2BD0&SUBSYS_17040675, \
- PCI\VEN_1397&DEV_2BD0&SUBSYS_17080675, \
- PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17091043, \
- USB\VID_0735&PID_C541, \
- USB\VID_0735&PID_2100, \
- USB\VID_0735&PID_2101, \
- USB\VID_0735&PID_6694, \
- ISDNWanID0-1, \
- ISDNWanID0-2, \
- ISDNWanID1-1, \
- ISDNWanID1-2, \
- ISDNWanID2-1, \
- ISDNWanID2-2, \
- ISDNWanID3-1, \
- ISDNWanID3-2, \
- ISDNWanID4-1, \
- ISDNWanID4-2, \
- ISDNWanID5-1, \
- ISDNWanID5-2, \
- ISDNWanID6-1, \
- ISDNWanID6-2, \
- ISDNWanID7-1, \
- ISDNWanID7-2
- [ISDN]
- %S_TYPE_1% = ISDN1.ndi,*ASU1688
- %S_TYPE_2% = ISDN2.ndi,*ASU1690
- %S_TYPE_3% = ISDN3.ndi,PCI\VEN_0675&DEV_1702
- %S_TYPE_3% = ISDN3.ndi,PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17021043
- %S_TYPE_3% = ISDN3.ndi,PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_1702144f
- %S_TYPE_4% = ISDN4.ndi,PCI\VEN_0675&DEV_1703
- %S_TYPE_4% = ISDN4.ndi,PCI\VEN_1043&DEV_0675&SUBSYS_105E10CF
- %S_TYPE_4% = ISDN4.ndi,PCI\VEN_1043&DEV_0675&SUBSYS_17070675
- %S_TYPE_4% = ISDN4.ndi,PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17031043
- %S_TYPE_4% = ISDN4.ndi,PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17071043
- %S_TYPE_4% = ISDN4.ndi,PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_1703144f
- %S_TYPE_4% = ISDN4.ndi,PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_1707144f
- %S_TYPE_5% = ISDN5.ndi,PCI\VEN_0675&DEV_1704
- %S_TYPE_5% = ISDN5.ndi,PCI\VEN_1043&DEV_0675&SUBSYS_17040675
- %S_TYPE_5% = ISDN5.ndi,PCI\VEN_1397&DEV_2BD0&SUBSYS_17040675
- %S_TYPE_6% = ISDN6.ndi,PCI\VEN_1397&DEV_2BD0&SUBSYS_17080675
- %S_TYPE_7% = ISDN7.ndi,USB\VID_0735&PID_C541
- %S_TYPE_8% = ISDN8.ndi,USB\VID_0735&PID_2100
- %S_TYPE_9% = ISDN9.ndi,USB\VID_0735&PID_2101
- %S_TYPE_11% = ISDN11.ndi,USB\VID_0735&PID_6694
- %S_TYPE_12% = ISDN12.ndi
- %S_TYPE_13% = ISDN13.ndi,PCI\VEN_1050&DEV_6692&SUBSYS_17091043
- %NameBase%-00-Line01=WanLink2000-0.ndi, ISDNWanID0-1
- %NameBase%-00-Line02=WanLink2000-0.ndi, ISDNWanID0-2
- %NameBase%-01-Line01=WanLink2000-1.ndi, ISDNWanID1-1
- %NameBase%-01-Line02=WanLink2000-1.ndi, ISDNWanID1-2
- %NameBase%-02-Line01=WanLink2000-2.ndi, ISDNWanID2-1
- %NameBase%-02-Line02=WanLink2000-2.ndi, ISDNWanID2-2
- %NameBase%-03-Line01=WanLink2000-3.ndi, ISDNWanID3-1
- %NameBase%-03-Line02=WanLink2000-3.ndi, ISDNWanID3-2
- %NameBase%-04-Line01=WanLink2000-4.ndi, ISDNWanID4-1
- %NameBase%-04-Line02=WanLink2000-4.ndi, ISDNWanID4-2
- %NameBase%-05-Line01=WanLink2000-5.ndi, ISDNWanID5-1
- %NameBase%-05-Line02=WanLink2000-5.ndi, ISDNWanID5-2
- %NameBase%-06-Line01=WanLink2000-6.ndi, ISDNWanID6-1
- %NameBase%-06-Line02=WanLink2000-6.ndi, ISDNWanID6-2
- %NameBase%-07-Line01=WanLink2000-7.ndi, ISDNWanID7-1
- %NameBase%-07-Line02=WanLink2000-7.ndi, ISDNWanID7-2
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN1.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN1.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN1.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 1
- [ISDN1.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN1.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN1.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_1%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN2.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN2.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN2.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 1
- [ISDN2.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN2.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN2.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_2%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN3.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN3.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN3.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN3.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN3.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN3.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_3%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN4.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN4.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN4.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN4.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN4.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN4.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_4%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN5.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN5.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN5.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN5.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN5.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN5.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_5%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN6.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN6.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN6.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN6.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN6.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN6.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_6%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN7.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN7.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN7.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN7.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN7.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN7.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_7%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN8.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN8.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN8.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN8.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN8.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN8.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_8%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN9.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN9.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN9.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN9.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN9.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN9.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_9%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN10.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN10.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN10.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 8
- [ISDN10.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN10.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN10.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_10%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN11.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN11.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN11.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN11.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN11.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN11.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_11%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN12.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN12.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN12.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN12.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN12.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN12.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_12%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN13.ndi.NT.CoInstallers]
- AddReg = ISDN.coinst.reg
- CopyFiles = ClassCopyFilesSection
- [ISDN13.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = ISDN.ndis.reg,ISDN.coinst.reg,ISDN.nt.reg,ISDN13.nt.reg
- CopyFiles = ISDN.CopyFiles.NT,CopyFilesSection
- Characteristics = 0x04 ; NCF_PHYSICAL
- BusType = 5
- [ISDN13.ndi.NT.HW]
- AddReg = Link100.AddReg.HKR
- [ISDN13.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = isdnlink, 2, isdnlink_Service_Inst, isdnlink_EventLog
- [ISDN13.nt.reg]
- HKR,Properties,MODEL,,%S_Model_13%
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN.coinst.reg]
- HKR,,CoInstallers32,0x10008,"asucoins.dll,AsuCoInstaller"
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN.ndis.reg]
- ;HKR,,,0,%S_TYPE7%
- HKR,,IsdnSwitchTypes,0x10001,0x89e ; ISDN_SWITCH_ATT,_NI1, _NI2, _NT1, _INS64 & _DSS1
- ;HKR,,IsdnSwitchType,0x10001,0x10 ; ISDN_SWITCH_INS64
- HKR,,IsdnSwitchType,0x10001,0x80 ; ISDN_SWITCH_DSS1
- HKR,Ndi,Service,0,"isdnlink"
- HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,LowerRange,0,"isdn"
- HKR,Properties,INSTALL,1,01
- HKR,Properties,SWITCH,0,"EURO ISDN"
- HKR,Properties,CODEC,1,0
- HKR,Properties,CALLTYPE(VOICE),1,1
- HKR,Properties,ENABLEMSN1,1,0
- HKR,Properties,ENABLESAD1,1,0
- HKR,Properties,ENABLEMSN1,1,0
- HKR,Properties,ENABLESAD1,1,0
- HKR,Properties,MSNS1,0,
- HKR,Properties,SADS1,0,
- HKR,Properties,MSNS2,0,
- HKR,Properties,SADS2,0,
- HKR,Properties,SPID1,0,
- HKR,Properties,SPID2,0,
- HKR,Properties,STANDBYTIME,1,3
- HKR,Properties,BASE,0,%NameBase%
- HKR,Properties,log,0x00010001,0x39
- HKR,Properties,show,0x00010001,0x39
- HKR,Properties,print,0x00010001,0
- HKR,Properties,save,0x00010001,0
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [ISDN.nt.reg]
- HKR,,IsdnAutoSwitchDetect,0x10001,0
- HKR,,IsdnNumDChannels,0x10001,1
- HKR,,WanEndPoints,0x10001,2
- HKR,0,IsdnNumBChannels,0x10001,2
- HKR,0\0,IsdnPhoneNumber,0,""
- HKR,0\0,IsdnSpid,0,""
- HKR,0\1,IsdnPhoneNumber,0,""
- HKR,0\1,IsdnSpid,0,""
- HKR,Ndi\Interfaces,UpperRange,0,"ndiswan"
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Link100.AddReg.HKR]
- ;HKR,,"LowerFilters", 0x00010000,Link100
- [isdnlink_Service_Inst]
- ServiceType = 1
- StartType = 0
- ErrorControl = 1
- ServiceBinary = %12%\linkisdn.sys
- LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
- [isdnlink_EventLog]
- Addreg = isdnlink.EventLog
- [isdnlink.EventLog]
- HKR,,EventMessageFile,0x00020000,"%%SystemRoot%%\System32\Drivers\linkisdn.sys"
- HKR,,TypesSupported,0x00010001,7
- ;*********************************
- ; Install section of WAN Miniport
- ;*********************************
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-0.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-0.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-0.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-0.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-00
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-1.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-1.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-1.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-1.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-01
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-2.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-2.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-2.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-2.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-02
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-3.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-3.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-3.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-3.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-03
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-4.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-4.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-4.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-4.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-04
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-5.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-5.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-5.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-5.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-05
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-6.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-6.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-6.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-6.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-06
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000-7.ndi.NT]
- AddReg = WanLink2000.AddReg, WanLink2000-7.AddReg
- Characteristics = 0x09
- [WanLink2000-7.ndi.NT.Services]
- AddService = wanlink, 2, Service.WanLink2000 ; associated
- [WanLink2000-7.AddReg]
- HKR, , NAME, 0, %NameBase%-07
- ;------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [WanLink2000.AddReg]
- HKR, , IsdnSwitchTypes, 0x10001, 0x89E ; ISDN_SWITCH_ATT, _NI1 & _DSS1
- HKR, , IsdnSwitchType, 0x10001, 0x80
- HKR, , IsdnAutoSwitchDetect, 0x10001, 0
- HKR, , IsdnNumDChannels, 0x10001, 1
- HKR, , WanEndPoints, 0x10001, 1
- HKR, 0, IsdnNumBChannels, 0x10001, 2
- HKR, 0\0, IsdnPhoneNumber, 0, ""
- HKR, 0\0, IsdnSpid, 0, ""
- HKR, 0\1, IsdnPhoneNumber, 0, ""
- HKR, 0\1, IsdnSpid, 0, ""
- HKR, Ndi, Service, 0, "WanLink"
- HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, UpperRange, 0, "ndiswan"
- HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange, 0, "nolower"
- ;******************************************
- ; Install section for WAN Miniport service
- ;******************************************
- [Service.WanLink2000]
- ; DisplayName = %V_WANLINK_DISP%
- ErrorControl = 1 ; SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL
- ServiceBinary = %12%\wanlink.sys
- LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
- [DestinationDirs]
- ISDN.CopyFiles.NT = 12
- CopyFilesSection = 11
- ClassCopyFilesSection = 11
- [ISDN.CopyFiles.NT]
- linkisdn.sys
- wanlink.sys
- [ClassCopyFilesSection]
- asucoins.dll
- [CopyFilesSection]
- capi2032.dll,asuc2032.dll
- linkrc.dll
- linklt.dll
- linkupg.dll
- linksts.exe
- linkcfg.dll
- linkmlp.dll
- ;-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- [Strings]
- S_TYPE_1 = "ISDN Adapter"
- S_TYPE_2 = "ISDN Adapter V2"
- S_TYPE_3 = "ISDN Adapter (PCI Bus, D, W)"
- S_TYPE_4 = "ISDN Adapter (PCI Bus, DV, W)"
- S_TYPE_5 = "ISDN Adapter (PCI Bus, D, C)"
- S_TYPE_6 = "ISDN Adapter (PCI Bus, D, C, ACPI)"
- S_TYPE_7 = "ISDN Adapter (USB Passive, D, S)"
- S_TYPE_8 = "ISDN Adapter (USB Active, DV)"
- S_TYPE_9 = "ISDN Adapter (USB Active, D)"
- S_TYPE_10 = "ISDN Adapter (PC CARD Passive)"
- S_TYPE_11 = "ISDN Adapter (USB Passive, D, W)"
- S_TYPE_12 = "ISDN Adapter (UART Active)"
- S_TYPE_13 = "ISDN Adapter (PCI Bus, D, W, ACPI)"
- S_Model_1 = "ISDN_ISA"
- S_Model_2 = "ISDN_ISA(V2)"
- S_Model_3 = "ISDN_PCI(W,D)"
- S_Model_4 = "ISDN_PCI(W,DV)"
- S_Model_5 = "ISDN_PCI(C,D)"
- S_Model_6 = "ISDN_PCI(C,D,ACPI)"
- S_Model_7 = "ISDN_USB_TA(passive,D,S)"
- S_Model_8 = "ISDN_USB_TA(active,DV)"
- S_Model_9 = "ISDN_USB_TA(active,D)"
- S_Model_10 = "ISDN_PCMCIA"
- S_Model_11 = "ISDN_USB_TA(passive,D,W)"
- S_Model_12 = "ISDN_UART_TA(active)"
- S_Model_13 = "ISDN_PCI(W,D,ACPI)"
- NameBase = "ISDNDevice"